애플 5G (1) 썸네일형 리스트형 애플은 2025년까지 아이폰 5G 자체설계 모뎀을 만들지 못할 수도 있다? 출처 : https://www.phonearena.com/news/Apple-iPhone-custom-modem-5G-2025-release_id116078 Apple-designed iPhone 5G modems may not arrive until 2025 Apple's custom iPhone modems with support for 5G networks won't arrive until 2025, according to a new report. Previously, the chips were on track for a 2021 launch but that appears to have been delayed. www.phonearena.com 어그로성 제목이고 아이폰 5G모델은 출시될 것이지만, .. 이전 1 다음